Great Tension in Marriage

It’s always a great idea to keep the mystery between a man and a woman. Tension is not always a bad thing. You want tension like this:

  1. Conflict Tension: Knowing how to handle conflict with your honey is a great way to develop great communication skills. Arguing actually strengthens a relationship. Just make sure you’re doing it in a healthy way.
  2. Sexual Tension: Holding out is always, always successful. Unless you’re using it as punishment. Only then will you see bad results.
  3. Competitive Tension: A little healthy competition when playing games is cute, and healthy.
  4. Separation Tension: Spending time apart is healthy, because it allows you both to have time to yourselves while simultaneously missing your partner.
  5. Parenting Tension: If you have kids together, something like raising a baby will test and strengthen your relationship.  This will bring you and your spouse closer together.

Not all tension is bad tension. It’s all about how well you guys deal with it. If you handle it in a healthy way, it will almost always strengthen your relationship.