Women in the Workplace

There are three common myths about women in the work place. Please notice very carefully that we said myths. Let’s debunk them, shall we?

His job is more important – Although this has been what we’ve been brainwashed to believe, but the truth is you should be equal. After all, if he loses his job, you’ll both be relieved to remember that your job is still intact.

You have to quit your job when you have kids – Husbands don’t really take more time to stay home with the children, and that’s okay because there’s nothing like a nurturing mother. Just balance the two. Be a powerhouse.

Men and Women are equal in the workplace – Although we’d love to believe this, we still earn about 20 cents less than the average man in the workplace. This can be fixed by making your skills known in the workplace. Be firm and professional. Do your job better than anyone in there!