Top 3 Superfoods to that You Should Eat More Of

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be too drastic. You don’t have to suddenly swear off meat forever, or start spending hours in the gym. If you’re only at the beginning point of living a healthy lifestyle, it’s actually much more helpful to take baby steps first.

One of the best ways of doing this is by eating super foods, which are items that have large and concentrated amounts of nutritional goodness. These types of foods are loaded with the nutrients that you need and the best part is that they taste great, too.

If you want to be on your way to living a healthier lifestyle, start by including the following super foods in your diet and go from there:

1. Edemame - These delicious beans can serve for a wonderful appetizer or snack. They’re rich and fiber and protein and really low in fat. Plus they're great for people who are trying to lower their cholesterol.

2. Berries - Sweet, colorful, and delicious, these fruits are loaded with antioxidants as well as folate, fiber, and vitamin C.

3. Quinoa - This super food contains large amounts of protein and fiber in every serving. It’s also low in calories and perfect for vegetarians looking for a source of protein or dieters who need a healthy dish that can really fill them up.

Image credit:  mccun934 on Flickr