What DON'T Successful People Do on the Weekends?

  1. Give Out – Many successful people, correction, ALL successful people are always on the move. If they aren’t flying, they’re in a meeting and so forth. One thing that they never do on the weekends is go limp!
  2. They Don’t Keep Working – If it’s the weekend, do something leisurely. Keep your thought process going and turn your phone OFF.
  3. Chores – Chores feel like work. If you have a lot to do, try to knock it out during the week so that you can make room to relax and unwind during the weekend.
  4. Mope Around on Sunday – Sunday is still technically the weekend. Don’t cut yours short by whining about how much you don’t want to go to work on Monday. You still have about 15 hours before that happens. Carpe Diem!

Successful people gain their success by focus, but they also regain their focus by relaxing on the weekends. Take a second to unwind and regroup. Take Mondays by storm with your brand new attitude.